Event summaries, slides and recordings

The Future of Roads - A cross-sector perspective

Author WIG Date 7 Sept 2021

A recording of the WIG Webinar: The Future of Roads - A cross-sector perspective.



Net zero and sustainability

With traffic forecast to grow by as much as 59% on the Strategic Road Network by 2050, improved infrastructure across the UK must be balanced with the Government's pledge to achieve net-zero by 2050. 

During this panel discussion, we discuss the current issues and emerging solutions around challenges ranging from changes to transport uptake due to COVID-19 and the need to decarbonise our road network, to the growth of cities and how investment can keep pace with rapidly changing mobility technologies. 

Join us online to:

  • Understand the impact of COVID-19 and what future trends for our road network may look like
  • Learn how the sectors are approaching the decarbonisation of our road networks
  • Discover what technological advances are being developed and implemented to help create more efficient and effective roads

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