Event summaries, slides and recordings

Lunchtime Briefing with Julia Kinniburgh, Director General for Strategy Group, Department for Education

Author WIG Date 21 Sept 2022

Gain insight into DfE’s key priorities, and major policy areas in focus over the next months with regards to COVID recovery, along with insights into broader departmental strategy



As Director General for the recently formed Strategy Group at the Department for Education (DfE), Julia Kinniburgh is responsible for setting and delivering strategic priorities across DfE. In this briefing Julia spoke of key DfE priorities for the post-COVID period under her remit including education recovery, levelling up and disadvantaged pupil policies, and emergency planning.

Julia spoke about: 

  • The DfE’s current focus areas for both policy and delivery
  • Her leadership of the department through the COVID-19 Schools response, and key lessons learned from that experience
  • Areas where DfE is looking to collaborate across broader public, private and not-for-profit sectors, to ensure access to education and skills across the UK that enables children and learners to thrive

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Speakers at the Event

Julia Kinniburgh is the Director General for Skills Group, taking on the role in December 2022.

Prior to this she was Director General for Strategy Group from April to December 2022.

Julia’s previous roles in government include:

  • Director General for COVID-19 Response and Schools Recovery at the Department for Education
  • Director General for the Serious and Organised Crime Group at the Home Office
  • director with responsibility for the national curriculum, national qualifications and school accountability at the Department for Education
  • senior roles at HM Revenue & Customs and the Ministry of Housing, Communities & Local Government

She has also held roles with the emergency services and local government.