Event summaries, slides and recordings

Lunchtime Briefing with Chris Howes, Group Chief Digital and Information Officer, Defra

Author WIG Date 24 Oct 2024

A recording of the WIG Lunchtime Briefing with Chris Howes, Group Chief Digital and Information Officer, Defra


Technology and digital

Net zero and sustainability

Following the first Government Digital Sustainability Alliance (GDSA) Summit, WIG is delighted to welcome Chris Howes as he shares insights into developing digital sustainability in partnership across the public and private sectors, and academia.

Watch now to:

• Understand how to work across the sectors to harness the power of new and emerging technologies and innovative, nature-based solutions to meet key sustainability goals

• Explore how greater collaboration can support Chris in his role as senior responsible owner (SRO) for Cross Government Sustainable Technology

Closed captions and transcripts are available.

Please note the Q&A is not included in this recording.

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To access this resource you must be a WIG member and logged in to our website. 

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Chris Howes is the Chief Digital and Information Officer for Defra, the UK Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs.  Defra is responsible for improving and protecting the environment and aims to grow a green economy and sustain thriving rural communities. The systems that Chris’ team deliver help protect the environment and promote sustainability; ensure food and animals cross our borders safely and protect the public from the impacts of flooding and animal diseases. Chris leads the UK Government’s sustainable ICT strategy and ensured Defra was one of the first Government departments to build sustainability into the selection and management of its supply chain. Under his leadership, Defra has established an e-sustainability alliance of over 300 technology companies, culminating in a week-long Technology for Climate Action event at COP26.  He has over 20 years’ experience leading major transformation programmes, involving technology and business change, in large science-based government bodies, and originally trained as an Environmental Scientist gaining an MSc in Environmental Pollution Science. Chris is passionate about IT sustainability, strongly believing that technology has a major role to play in tackling the climate crisis but recognises that the industry must also work hard to ensure it doesn’t exacerbate it.