Benefits for the Private Sector
There’s no shortage of high-profile challenges facing the private sector. From climate change and COVID-19 to supply chains and digital transformation, many organisations face similar issues – and no one has all the answers. Yet, as challenges become even more complex and societal pressure on industry grows, it’s helpful to look outside your organisation for fresh points of view.
Joining WIG gives you that perspective. Your fellow WIG members will include FTSE 350 companies, all 23 Whitehall departments, and many other public sector bodies, academic institutions and not-for-profits.
This will help your people to collaborate, connect and learn across all sectors – for mutual benefit.

"For me, WIG provides a powerful platform for exchange of ideas and perspectives between the public and private sectors, in an equal and honest forum that gives all parties the chance to learn from each other. For Mace that gives us real insight into public sector challenges and changes in direction, helping us to provide a better service to our public sector clients. "
Caroline Lassen
Director - Government and Housing, Mace
Benefits of joining WIG
Becoming a WIG member helps you build trusted, long-lasting relationships with a diverse range of people from outside your industry.
The connections you make can help you understand how other sectors work – to support how you grow and thrive as an organisation. For example, you can build links across a range of public sector departments and not-for-profit organisations – not just those you work with day-to-day.
When you join WIG, you can take an active role in cross-sector conversations. By contributing to discussions, you play a role in supporting joined-up policy making and help public bodies to understand the view from your industry.
You also benefit from a trusted forum where you can demonstrate thought leadership to a cross-sector audience.
Listening to people outside your industry can help you to make better informed business decisions – so you can identify risks, inform direction and set strategy.
For example, WIG gives you the chance to hear from senior civil servants, such as Permanent Secretaries and Director Generals, at our speaker events.
Keep on top of the latest policy trends and hot topics – by attending briefings from senior leaders across the public and private sectors.
You have the chance to make vital connections across the private sector – not only with your customers and supply chain, but also your competitors with whom you share business challenges.
By building links with the public sector, the not-for-profit sector and higher education, you can contribute to a ‘whole systems’ response to the challenges we face as a society.
Our private sector members
WIG is proud to have more than 120 members from across industry. Most are FTSE 350 or AIM listed, and 30 are within the FTSE 100. Our members include well known and trusted brands who are leading businesses and voices within the UK. Of the top 20 companies within the UK by market cap, 70% are members of WIG.
Become a WIG member
How can your business benefit from joining WIG? Please get in touch with our team to find out more.
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